Philip Mallis

Walking the Yan Yean Pipeline

The post for this fortnight is a little different – in the form of a video instead.

A few weeks ago, I walked the length of the Yan Yean Pipeline from Yan Yean Reservoir to the storage reservoirs at Preston.

You can see the video below or at this link here.

It’s my first real attempt at video editing etc. so it’s taken me a while and there’s probably a lot to be improved! But it was a really fun walk to do and I hope to walk more pipelines and aqueducts in the near future.

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2 responses to “Walking the Yan Yean Pipeline”

  1. Thanks Philip. A great walk, sadly so much of the land is now covered with housing estates. Growing up in Watsonia North there was an open aqueduct at the top of the hill which ran in a roughly East West direction linking Bundoora with Eltham. A lot of that trail can still be walked. I recall the aqueduct was lined with clay bricks. It was a great place to explore as a kid before the suburban sprawl made it’s way through Mill Park and beyond.

  2. Remember walking the pipeline west of Thomastown in the early 1950’s ,we would walk on the top of the pipe, which from memory was about 16 inches(140mm) in diameter, now and then their would be a leak where you could have a drink,it would be a bit warm in summer because the water in the pipe was hot !
    At these leaks you had to put your hands in and out quickly because of the abundance of leaches, and after a drink to return to the top of the pipe your shoes had to be quite dry otherwise you slipped off and it was quite a distance to the ground for a 10 year old boy, in winter with the grass being wet ,nearly impossible to get onboard again.
    So Philip here’s another walk in the list for making, and please no need for the mask ,Tv presenters dont use them ,besides that not a bad job with the video , I’m about the same as you in doing them, little things like a bit of reflector (alfoil etc) , ear out for extraneuos back grond noise, car horns can be bleeped out but barking dogs and lawmowers are a bit of a worry ,anyway thanks again Philip great job , Ian H Ballarat

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