Philip Mallis

Category: Meta

  • 2024 in photos

    2024 in photos

    I must admit that I have neglected this annual photo update for the past couple of years. But I’m hoping to get back into good habits starting with 2024! I’ve clocked up a total of over 28,000 photos on my Flickr account stretching back over a decade. I hope to continue adding many more. There…

  • A farewell to Twitter

    A farewell to Twitter

    A final farewell to Twitter to stop my content being used without my consent (and how you can too!)

  • Announcement: new Supporters Portal

    Announcement: new Supporters Portal

    A few days ago I announced a new website – what I’m calling a ‘Supporters Portal’. Basically you can sign up for a small monthly amount ($5 or $10) and receive access to some bonus features. These include early video access, work in progress updates and extra footage / photos. There is also a free…

  • Some old posts made new again

    Regular subscribers to this blog may have just received a flurry of emails of new post notifications. I apologise for this spam – I didn’t realise that WordPress would send an email for this circumstance. The reason for this is that I have found some older posts on my website from many years ago that…

  • How to stop a fire alarm

    How to stop a fire alarm

    For the past few months my home has been plagued by a persistent nearby fire alarm. The first time this happened was around 12 months ago. It went off for a few hours in the evening before stopping, and I thought not more of it. But then it happened several more times. Most memorably in…

  • 20,000 subscribers

    20,000 subscribers

    Some time yesterday morning the number of subscribers on my YouTube channel ticked over from 19,999 to 20,000. I hit 10,000 just over eight months ago in July 2023 and I really wasn’t expecting to get here so soon. I’m very humbled and thankful to everyone who has supported and helped to grow the channel.…

  • My journey to Jekyll and back

    My journey to Jekyll and back

    Some of you may have noticed that I launched a new website the other day and migrated from WordPress to Jekyll. Well, now I’m back. Why not WordPress? For background I have been running a personal website since my council election campaign 14 years ago in January 2012. I started on WordPress at the time…

  • From Twitter to Mastodon: a guide for urbanists and gunzels

    To skip to the list of accounts to follow, click here As of this morning I am the proud owner of a brand spanking new Mastodon account. It is something that I had been contemplating for a while as part of my general shift to free and open source software (FoSS). But recent events at…

  • 2020 in photos

    Well, that was an interesting year! Here’s a small selection of my photos from the past 12 months. Obviously the biggest event of the year was the COVID-19 pandemic. I took a lot of photos to document this important period of modern history which are categorised in this overarching album. These include empty city streets,…

  • The right to photograph trains?

    Taking photos of places and objects that I find interesting is one of my favourite things to do. I have spent five years uploading over 14,000 photos to my Flickr account, most of which are available for anyone to use for free (with some small conditions). As others will no doubt be aware, taking photos…