Category: News
Halfway through
Last week marked the halfway point of my council term. Around this time two years ago, I was elected to represent Maranoa Ward in Boroondara. Since then, Council has had many significant achievements. For my ward specifically, there has been tens of millions of dollars worth of investment into the local community over the past…
2013-14 Boroondara annual report
Tonight Council adopted the 2013-14 annual report, which provides an excellent and detailed summary of the work that Council does over the year. Highlights include: Spending $42.9 million on replacing assets Continuing Council’s commitment to a 30-40% cut in carbon emissions by 2020 with an 11% cut in carbon emissions since 2007 Completion of major…
August 2014 ward update now available online
The latest Maranoa Ward update is now available to read online: Some story highlights include: [list type=arrow_list] North-east community hub New residential zones World Environment Day award [/list]
How a 40 km/h speed limit saved my life
For those who aren’t aware, I am a frequent rider and proud owner of a Kymco motor scooter. I use it as the most convenient, fastest and least expensive mode of transport available to me. I also own a car which I use very occasionally due to its high running and parking costs, I live…
Latest ward update now available online
The latest Maranoa Ward update is now available to read online: Some story highlights include: [list type=arrow_list] Boroondara Sports Complex update Rotary Club of North Balwyn Upgrade to Balwyn Evergreen Centre Amendment C108 update [/list]
St Columba’s Church 90th anniversary and closing service
Today I had the privilege of attending the final service and 90th anniversary celebrations at St. Columba’s Uniting Church in Balwyn. The turnout was fantastic, with people packing the church for the service and the rear hall afterwards for morning tea. St. Columba’s is one of six Uniting Church properties in Boroondara that have been…
ANZAC Day 2014
There will be an ANZAC Day dawn service at the North Balwyn RSL at 5:45am on Friday 25th April this week. The service proper will commence at 6am, which will be followed by a breakfast. The North Balwyn RSL is located in the Greythorn Shopping Centre (see map below). Public transport arrangements for the commemorations…
2014 North Balwyn Multicultural Festival
2014 marks the second year of the annual North Balwyn Multicultural Festival, jointly hosted by the North Balwyn Rotary Club and North Balwyn Village. As with the event last year, there will be plenty of activities throughout the day, including: [list type=arrow_list] Japanese drumming School choirs Men in suits Flamenco dancing perfomance and lessons La…
Macleay Park Carols in the Park 2013
On the 14th December 2013, the annual Carols in the Park event was held at Macleay Park, North Balwyn. Many community organisations were present to assist with the event, including North Balwyn Rotary and the 1st North Balwyn Scouts. The event was organised by the North Balwyn Interchurch Council, and featured a number of local…