Philip Mallis

Category: News

  • Council meeting on 12th November

    There will be a council meeting on Monday 12th November commencing at 6:30pm at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Items on the agenda include the election of the Mayor of Boroondara, Chairs of Special Committees and councillor appointments. There will also be a civic reception afterwards to introduce the new council to the community. For…

  • New contact details

    I have a new phone number and email address that I am able to be reached at. Email: Philip.Mallis[AT] Phone: 9835 7846  

  • New website

    As you have probably already noticed, this website now has a new design! Features of this new website include: [list type=check_list] Faster load time Better look and feel Responsive to use on multiple devices [/list] I’ll also be adding and changing more content over the next week or so, so the site may experience some…

  • Councillor induction

    Today was packed with people to meet, things to learn and things to do. It was a great pleasure to meet my fellow councillors and council staff who I will be working with closely over the next four years. Everyone was friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful, so many thanks must go to them. It was…

  • Provisional results look good; further election coverage

    Provisional results for Maranoa Ward indicate a win! Candidate First preference votes Percentage MALLIS, Philip 4686 55.12% BARTLETT, Ryan William 3816 44.88% More detailed results for Maranoa Ward and preliminary results from other Boroondara wards may be seen here: Results will be officially announced at 6pm tonight. A very big thank you to everyone…

  • Facebook page

    Join the Facebook page to get the latest updates and get involved with the campaign.

  • Maranoa Festival a success

    The weather cleared long enough for the many hundreds of people who attended today’s Maranoa Festival at the Maranoa Gardens in Balwyn. There were activities for all age groups and interests, from facepainting to guided tours of the beautiful gardens. I personally talked to a number of people at the festival about issues that matter…

  • Macleay/Myrtle Park Neighbour Day

    I attended the ‘Meet your Neighbour’ day at Macleay/Myrtle Park today, where there were a number of great activities and ways for members of the local community to come together. The event ran from around 11:30am to 2:30pm, with many families, kids and other local residents enjoying what was on offer at the event. Federal…

  • Website launched!

    After a lengthy period of time spent on building both this website and the ‘Have Your Say!‘ community voice website, both online resources are now up and running! The rest of the policies will be posted on here as soon as possible. This will now kick-start the campaign to elect Philip Mallis as councillor of…