Category: Transport
Wrong and missing PTV information for Easter 2024
This is part of the continuing series about the improvements that are badly needed to the passenger information provided to public transport passengers in Victoria. Here we’re going to look at the 2024 Easter long weekend. This is a period where travel demand is particularly high. It’s the start of school holidays and people are…
Bus stop misdirection and how I nearly missed my flight
I have previously written about the importance of accurate public transport information. Unfortunately this is all too common and can cause serious problems for passengers trying to navigate the network. I present my recent experience as a brief case study on this topic. A simple bus stop I had to reach Melbourne Airport. As usual,…
What is a 2 hour myki fare?
myki has been in place as Melbourne’s public transport ticketing system for over a decade. It has benefits and drawbacks that could take up space for many posts. But in this one I want to focus on answering one apparently difficult question – what exactly is a 2 hour myki fare? With myki, there are…
Removing maps from bus stops and the digital divide
Today the response that you will likely get to any query to Public Transport Victoria (PTV) will advise you to use the website, app or journey planner. Much of the advertising and marketing also attempts to send people in this direction. This push to get everyone to use digital tools has accelerated over the past…
Guide to the City Loop closure in January 2022
If you are travelling to or around the city by train this month, you will want to know that the entire City Loop will be closed for two weeks from 9pm Monday 2 January to Sunday 15 January. PTV have a webpage here on how this will impact you. I thought I would also give…
My train disruption experience, and how to make it better
I don’t really like to use this blog for personal gripes. But every once in a while, something happens that brings me rushing back to my WordPress dashboard. The trip A few weeks ago I had reason to head up the Hurstbridge Line on a social visit. I arrived at Jolimont Station to catch the…
Historical transport and planning documents now online
I have spent some time uploading some historical transport and planning documents related to Melbourne and its development. Check them out here!
Which are the least and most used stations in Victoria during COVID?
This follows on from my previous post asking this question for pre-COVID conditions. This second on the latest railway station patronage information will be using 2020-21 data, which is the latest available. The least used station in Victoria (during COVID) As mentioned above, this uses 2020-21 data. Perhaps no surprise, as last time, that all…
Which were the least and most used stations in Victoria before COVID?
This is a kind of update of a previous post that I did back in 2019 using 2016-17 patronage data. So since that post there’s been this little thing called a pandemic that’s been upon us for the past couple of years. Amongst other things, it’s caused significant variances in public transport use due to…
Railway station and tram stop patronage in Victoria for 2008-2021
Good news! The State Government has finally begun releasing patronage data for railway stations and tram stops in Victoria. I will do some separate posts analysing the data, but first I am publishing the data below for metropolitan and regional railway stations, as well as tram stops that have been released by the Department of…