Tag: 2012
Carols in Macleay Park
Yesterday evening the Carols in Macleay Park were held, with a wide variety of activities for young and old. I attended the event along with the councillor for Cotham Ward, Cr. Judith Voce, and the councillor for Bellvue Ward, Cr. Jim Parke. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and many thanks must go to the…
Urban Planning Special Commitee meeting 17th December 2012
There will be a meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee at 8:30pm on the 17th December 2012 at the Council Chambers in Camberwell. Order of business 1. Apologies 2. Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 26 November 2012 3. Declaration of conflict of interest of…
Have your say on the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
The Victorian Government is developing a new Metropolitan Planning Strategy and has recently released a discussion paper on the project. This allows local councils, organisations and individuals to make submissions on the paper. The City of Boroondara will be making its own submission on behalf of council, but everyone is invited to give their own…
Urban Planning Special Commitee meeting 10th December 2012
There will be a meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee at 8:30pm on the 10th December 2012, immediately after the council meeting which commences at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers in Camberwell. Order of Business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meetings…
Council meeting 10th December 2012
The last council meeting for the year will be held on the 10th December 2012 commencing at 6:30pm at the Council Chambers in Camberwell. It looks like we’re in for a particularly busy night, as we have a fairly packed agenda to get through. Order of business 1. Apologies 2. Adoption and confirmation of the…
Services Special Committee meeting 3rd December 2012
There will be a meeting of the Services Special Committee on Monday 3rd December commencing at 6:30pm at the Council Chambers in Camberwell. Order of business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Services Special Committee meeting held on 19 November 2012 Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 26th November 2012
There will be a meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee on Friday 26th November commencing at 6:30pm at the Council Chambers in Camberwell. Order of business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 15 November 2012 Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or…
Provisional results look good; further election coverage
Provisional results for Maranoa Ward indicate a win! Candidate First preference votes Percentage MALLIS, Philip 4686 55.12% BARTLETT, Ryan William 3816 44.88% More detailed results for Maranoa Ward and preliminary results from other Boroondara wards may be seen here: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/Results/BoroondaraResult2012.html Results will be officially announced at 6pm tonight. A very big thank you to everyone…
Maranoa Festival a success
The weather cleared long enough for the many hundreds of people who attended today’s Maranoa Festival at the Maranoa Gardens in Balwyn. There were activities for all age groups and interests, from facepainting to guided tours of the beautiful gardens. I personally talked to a number of people at the festival about issues that matter…