Tag: Boroondara
The history of Balwyn’s Beckett Park
Beckett Park is one of my favourite open spaces in Boroondara. Together with the adjacent Maranoa Botanic Gardens (which deserves its own post), it’s a wonderful green area on top of one of the tallest hills in the neighbourhood. Establishment and naming The place where it is today was formerly open scrub and grassland. Before…
Thoughts on riding through Camberwell and Canterbury
On my way back from Camberwell South the other day, I took a little detour off my usual Anniversary Trail route to have a look at some parts of Camberwell and Canterbury that I don’t normally visit. Back Creek, Camberwell I came off the Anniversary Trail at Elaroo Avenue in Camberwell and meandered through the…
Bolin Bolin Billabong
A short ride across the Eastern Freeway from North Balwyn, the Bolin Bolin Billabong is a welcome respite from the air and noise pollution produced by cars and trucks on the main roads that intersect the area. It is an oxbow lake, formed when the Yarra River gradually changed course over time through erosion. It…
Day 1 of Boroondara election vote counting
Today I was scrutineering down at the VEC counting centre in Camberwell, which was a very interesting experience. Getting to see democracy work up close is something that I would recommend everyone do should the opportunity arise. While I was mostly paying attention to the wards I was a scrutineer for (Cotham and Gardiner), I…
Ballots are posted today: know thy candidates
From today until Thursday, ballot packs will be mailed out to eligible properties in Boroondara and the other councils in Victoria using postal elections. As per VEC regulations, no more than 35% of ballots can be posted on any one day. Packs are sent by priority mail, but with the recent Australia Post changes, there…
Day 6: Council Elections 2016 – Nominations close, ballot order revealed
Welcome to Day 6 of the 2016 council elections! Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. Final list of nominations and ballot order With nominations closing at 12 noon today, here is the final list for every ward in the ballot order drawn today with all 33 candidates: As you…
Day 5: Council Elections 2016
Welcome to Day 5 (technically, counting the weekend) of the 2016 council elections! Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. Preferences One of the unexpected changes to the electoral regulations this year has been the removal of preference indications from the mailed ballot pack. At the end of August, the…
North-south transport connections in northern Boroondara
The inner-east is often lauded for having an excellent public transport system that is relatively well-connected and convenient (at least compared to other parts of Melbourne). While this may be true for some parts of Hawthorn, Kew and Camberwell for getting into and out of the CBD, it is certainly not true of cross-city (i.e.…
Macleay Park Carols in the Park 2015
The 2015 Carols in the Park event will be held at Macleay Park, North Balwyn tonight (Saturday 12 December) at 6:00pm. Come along for a great community event organised by the North Balwyn Inter-Church Council supported by the City of Boroondara. For more details, visit the council website: http://www.boroondara.vic.gov.au/utilities/calendar/2015/12/12/carols-in-the-park Getting there [googlemap width=”100%” height=”300px” address=’Macleay…
New mayor, committee chairs and councillor assignments for 2015-2016
At last night’s council meeting, council elected the mayor and committee chairs for 2015-16. We also appointed councillors to the large number of internal and external committees, alliances and other groups. Cr Jim Parke (Bellevue Ward) was elected as mayor for the next year and Cr Steve Hurd (Glenferrie Ward) returned for a second year…