Philip Mallis

Tag: Bus data

  • The most and least punctual bus routes in Melbourne

    The most and least punctual bus routes in Melbourne

    See the data here. On Friday last week, the Department of Transport added metropolitan bus performance data to its monthly public transport reporting. This is exciting news as it was not previously publicly available. The data is not very easy to find. To get there, you have to visit, scroll to the bottom of…

  • Where are the busiest bus stops in Melbourne?

    Update 3:25pm 24/07/2020: It’s been brought to my attention that some of the figures below are incorrect due to an error with amalgamating patronage data from multiple stops. I’m working to fix it ASAP and will update here again once it’s complete. Update 7:45pm 24/07/2020: I’ve tried several programs and techniques but nothing seems to…

  • Melbourne bus route patronage data for 2008 – 2019

    Download and view the data here. The latest installment of my ongoing publication of transport data for Victoria is two more years of usage data for all bus routes in Melbourne for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 financial years. The Department of Transport obliged with my request quickly and no FOI was needed, so thanks to them…