Tag: Council
New mayor, committee chairs and councillor assignments
At last night’s council meeting, the election of the new mayor and special committee chairs took place, as well as councillor assignments to the large number of internal and external committees, alliances and other groups. Cr Coral Ross was elected as mayor and Cr Phillip Healey returned for a second year as chair of the…
Boroondara Annual Report 2012-13 highlights
Last night, council adopted the 2012-13 annual report for Boroondara. The report is a summary of operational achievements and statutory information for the 2012-13 financial year and provides details on these achievements. A number of highlights from the report include: – Adoption of the Balwyn Access Plan and Parking Precinct Plan; – Completion of one…
Have your say – join the Boroondara Community Voice Panel
Want to have an impact on Council’s decision-making? Do you want to send your thoughts and comments to be considered? The Boroondara Community Voice Panel is an online group of people who live, work or play in Boroondara, give feedback to Council and get involved in the process of decision-making at Council. There are already…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 22nd April 2013
A meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee will be held on Monday 22nd April 2013 at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 8 April 2013 Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer…
National Youth Week 2013
It’s National Youth Week 2013! This is a time to celebrate young people in Australia and the contributions that we make to society, whether it’s volunteering in the community or leading people towards doing great things. Around 30% of 18-25 year olds volunteer in some capacity, with the rate of volunteering in this age group…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 8th April 2013
A meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee will be held on Monday 8th April 2013 at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business 1. Apologies 2. Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 18 March 2013 3. Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 18th March 2013
A meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee will be held on Monday 14th March 2013 at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business 1. Apologies 2. Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 4 March 2013 3. Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer…
Council meeting 25th February 2013
There will be a meeting of Council at 6:30pm on Monday 25th February at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business 1. Apologies 2. Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 10 December 2012 3. Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer 4. Deputations,…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 18th February 2013
There will be a meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee at 6:30pm on Monday 16th February at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 4 February 2013 Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council…
Elected as Boroondara’s representative to the VLGA
At Monday’s Services Special Committee, I was delighted to be elected as Council’s representative to the Victorian Local Governance Association. The VLGA does a lot of fantastic work in the area of local government through its many training and support programs.