Philip Mallis

‘Pop up’ council coming to North Balwyn

As you might have seen in today’s Progress Leader, Council is trialing a new idea that came out of our recent community innovation tournament.

The idea is for council services to travel around the municipality to places which are disconnected or further away from council’s service centres (mainly in Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew). The first event will be taking place this Saturday in Ashburton, but the following Saturday on the 12th September will see a ‘pop up’ council coming to North Balwyn.

Councillors will also be attending the events, and I will be at the North Balwyn one at the Greythorn Shopping Centre.

So if you live in the area, take the opportunity to come and have a chat with us!

Where: Greythorn Shopping Centre

When: Saturday 12th September 2015 from 9am – 1pm

Who: Council officers and councillors

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