Today I was scrutineering down at the VEC counting centre in Camberwell, which was a very interesting experience. Getting to see democracy work up close is something that I would recommend everyone do should the opportunity arise.

While I was mostly paying attention to the wards I was a scrutineer for (Cotham and Gardiner), I did get information on some of the others. Here is my summary of the day.
Cotham Ward
First preference counting was over by about 4pm, with the following first preference results (in ballot order):
- Felicity Sinfield – 3,608
- Phillip Gahn – 842
- Kieron Long – 882
- Elliot Watson – 621
- Judith Voce – 2,183
The total number of votes counted was 8,338 (with 239 informal votes). Of course these numbers are preliminary and do not reflect the final result, but things aren’t looking too good for Judith Voce (the incumbent). She needs a very high percentage of preferences to flow to her to even get within striking distance of Felicity Sinfield.
Gardiner Ward
Counting wasn’t finished when I left and I have no numbers, but things looked pretty good for the incumbent, Coral Ross, who will probably win on first preferences again, even with two other candidates in the field.
Maranoa Ward
As the immediate former councillor (as of 6am this morning), I was taking a particular interesting in Maranoa. By the looks of the piles of ballots on the table, it looks like Cynthia Watson will win fairly comfortably on first preferences.
What’s next?
No doubt we will hear more in the coming weeks. As the counting process has changed this year, ballots that arrive after today will be counted next week (so long as the postmark proves that it was posted before the deadline yesterday), and preferences will be counted the week after that if necessary.
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