Philip Mallis

Tag: North Balwyn

  • Fruit and nuts in North Balwyn

    Fruit and nuts in North Balwyn

    Eagle-eyed visitors to the northern reaches of Boroondara may have noticed a couple of street name patterns near Doncaster Road and Greythorn Road. There are two areas with related names here. The first is a group of three streets running west off Greythorn Road that have a fruit theme: Lemon Road, Lime Avenue and Citron…

  • 5 things that you didn’t know about North Balwyn

    Having lived in North Balwyn for most of my life and represented it on the local council, it’s a special kind of place to me. Despite its reputation as ‘North Boring’ there are many interesting things about the area. So, in no particular order, here are five things that you (probably) didn’t know about North…

  • From white to grey – a little bit of North Balwyn history

    At only 1.6 kilometres, Greythorn Road is one of the shortest main roads in Boroondara. It shares its name with Greythorn, a locality within North Balwyn. There aren’t any fixed boundaries but it’s generally understood by locals to be an area bounded by Balwyn Road, Gordon Barnard Reserve, Belmore Road, Winfield Road and Koonung Creek.…

  • Transport tip of the month – travelling to the CBD from North Balwyn and East Kew

    tl;dr version – if you live in parts of North Balwyn and East Kew, you can get to the city quicker by changing from the 200 to the 905 rather than staying on one bus for the whole journey. Living in northern Boroondara means learning to travel without a train. If you are heading towards…

  • Bolin Bolin Billabong

    A short ride across the Eastern Freeway from North Balwyn, the Bolin Bolin Billabong is a welcome respite from the air and noise pollution produced by cars and trucks on the main roads that intersect the area. It is an oxbow lake, formed when the Yarra River gradually changed course over time through erosion. It…

  • North-south transport connections in northern Boroondara

    The inner-east is often lauded for having an excellent public transport system that is relatively well-connected and convenient (at least compared to other parts of Melbourne). While this may be true for some parts of Hawthorn, Kew and Camberwell for getting into and out of the CBD, it is certainly not true of cross-city (i.e.…

  • Macleay Park Carols in the Park 2015

    The 2015 Carols in the Park event will be held at Macleay Park, North Balwyn tonight (Saturday 12 December) at 6:00pm. Come along for a great community event organised by the North Balwyn Inter-Church Council supported by the City of Boroondara. For more details, visit the council website: Getting there [googlemap width=”100%” height=”300px” address=’Macleay…

  • ‘Pop up’ council coming to North Balwyn

    As you might have seen in today’s Progress Leader, Council is trialing a new idea that came out of our recent community innovation tournament. The idea is for council services to travel around the municipality to places which are disconnected or further away from council’s service centres (mainly in Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew). The first…

  • 2014 North Balwyn Multicultural Festival

    2014 marks the second year of the annual North Balwyn Multicultural Festival, jointly hosted by the North Balwyn Rotary Club and North Balwyn Village. As with the event last year, there will be plenty of activities throughout the day, including: [list type=arrow_list] Japanese drumming School choirs Men in suits Flamenco dancing perfomance and lessons La…

  • North Balwyn Multicultural Festival

    Today marked the inaugural North Balwyn Multicultural Festival which was on from 9:00am this morning. The event, put on jointly by the North Balwyn Rotary Club and North Balwyn Village, was a great success with many people enjoying the great weather and activities on offer. Many local traders were also out in force, which is…