Philip Mallis

After four years, my time on council is coming to an end

As many of you already know, I am not re-contesting my position as councillor for Maranoa Ward on Boroondara City Council at the upcoming election.

It has been a difficult decision, but I have decided to take this course of action in the best interests of the community. I will not list my reasons exhaustively, but suffice to say that I am not able to fully commit to another four years in this role due to time and other personal commitments.

There are many people to thank and it would be impossible to list them all here, but I would like to single out some in particular.

Firstly, thank you to the residents of my ward. I have been constantly amazed at people’s energy and interest in local issues, even if I have not always agreed with them. The constant contact from residents and business owners living and working across Balwyn, North Balwyn and Mont Albert has kept me constantly informed and on my toes.

I would also like to sincerely thank all of the council officers at Boroondara. I have had the pleasure of working with many over the past four years and seen first-hand how everyone contributes in some way to the smooth running of the municipality. I am very grateful for all of the kind assistance provided to me along the way.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my fellow councillors. I have learned an immeasurable amount from everybody and I am also very grateful for the help and support. This was especially invaluable in my first year in this position when I was beginning to learn about council and its operations.

Despite appearances to the contrary, politics is not an undertaking for one person alone. It is vital to have the support other people to make your time worthwhile and have a lasting impact. For this reason, I would like to again acknowledge and sincerely thank everybody who has given me support and guidance. It would not have been possible without you all. I am proud of the legacy that we have left behind and know that we have made a positive and lasting difference to the community that will benefit people for many years to come.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past four years representing the neighbourhood where I have grown up and spent most of my life. It has been an absolute honour and privilege that I am very grateful to have experienced. I will cherish the many memories from this time and look forward to remaining involved in local issues in different capacities.

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