Category: News
Offer of help: journey planning for your bicycle route
Since the COVID-19 situation has changed rapidly over the past 1-2 weeks and people are now seriously avoiding public transport, there seem to be many more people people riding bikes around Melbourne. Many of them seem to be people who have had bikes kicking around in their garage but have ridden very little in the…
Day 1 of Boroondara election vote counting
Today I was scrutineering down at the VEC counting centre in Camberwell, which was a very interesting experience. Getting to see democracy work up close is something that I would recommend everyone do should the opportunity arise. While I was mostly paying attention to the wards I was a scrutineer for (Cotham and Gardiner), I…
After four years, my time on council is coming to an end
As many of you already know, I am not re-contesting my position as councillor for Maranoa Ward on Boroondara City Council at the upcoming election. It has been a difficult decision, but I have decided to take this course of action in the best interests of the community. I will not list my reasons exhaustively,…
December 2015 Maranoa Ward update now available
For anyone who lives in Maranoa Ward, you should have received a copy of the latest newsletter in the post. The electronic copy is now available here.
Macleay Park Carols in the Park 2015
The 2015 Carols in the Park event will be held at Macleay Park, North Balwyn tonight (Saturday 12 December) at 6:00pm. Come along for a great community event organised by the North Balwyn Inter-Church Council supported by the City of Boroondara. For more details, visit the council website: Getting there [googlemap width=”100%” height=”300px” address=’Macleay…
New mayor, committee chairs and councillor assignments for 2015-2016
At last night’s council meeting, council elected the mayor and committee chairs for 2015-16. We also appointed councillors to the large number of internal and external committees, alliances and other groups. Cr Jim Parke (Bellevue Ward) was elected as mayor for the next year and Cr Steve Hurd (Glenferrie Ward) returned for a second year…
‘Pop up’ council coming to North Balwyn
As you might have seen in today’s Progress Leader, Council is trialing a new idea that came out of our recent community innovation tournament. The idea is for council services to travel around the municipality to places which are disconnected or further away from council’s service centres (mainly in Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew). The first…
Council passes 2015-16 budget for Boroondara
Yesterday Council unanimously passed the 2015-16 Boroondara Budget. While we prepare for the impending rate capping in the next financial year, Council has been able to include a rate rise reduction to 4.5% while maintaining and improving services. Locally, Maranoa Ward continues to significantly benefit with many projects being approved for the area. These include:…
North East Community Hub consultation
Council has begun the second round of consultation with the community for the North East Community Hub in Greythorn. This time we are seeking feedback on the draft concept plan for the Hub, which is available on council’s website here. There are a number of ways that you can provide your feedback. In person There…
2015 Summer Music in Beckett Park
Yesterday I spoke at Beckett Park at the first concert in the Summer Music series of musical events hosted by the City of Boroondara. It was a great event and many hundreds of people turned out in the heat to enjoy the music. It’s fantastic to see arts and culture combined with our beautiful parks…