Tag: Boroondara
‘Pop up’ council coming to North Balwyn
As you might have seen in today’s Progress Leader, Council is trialing a new idea that came out of our recent community innovation tournament. The idea is for council services to travel around the municipality to places which are disconnected or further away from council’s service centres (mainly in Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew). The first…
Council passes 2015-16 budget for Boroondara
Yesterday Council unanimously passed the 2015-16 Boroondara Budget. While we prepare for the impending rate capping in the next financial year, Council has been able to include a rate rise reduction to 4.5% while maintaining and improving services. Locally, Maranoa Ward continues to significantly benefit with many projects being approved for the area. These include:…
2013-14 Boroondara annual report
Tonight Council adopted the 2013-14 annual report, which provides an excellent and detailed summary of the work that Council does over the year. Highlights include: Spending $42.9 million on replacing assets Continuing Council’s commitment to a 30-40% cut in carbon emissions by 2020 with an 11% cut in carbon emissions since 2007 Completion of major…
Public transport changes are here
Today, PTV’s new timetable changes came into effect, with changes to bus, tram, train and regional services. For Boroondara, it’s a mixed bag. Some of you may have seen this article in the Boroondara Weekly Review where I am quoted. It doesn’t give an overall view of the changes, which almost exclusively affect the northern…
Council approves East-West Link submission
At last night’s meeting, Council unanimously approved the submission drafted by officers (with a small change to copy in local representatives) on the East-West Link road. The submission raises many potential issues for Boroondara, namely large increases in traffic on local and arterial roads, freeway noise and potential impacts of the widening of the Eastern…
New mayor, committee chairs and councillor assignments
At last night’s council meeting, the election of the new mayor and special committee chairs took place, as well as councillor assignments to the large number of internal and external committees, alliances and other groups. Cr Coral Ross was elected as mayor and Cr Phillip Healey returned for a second year as chair of the…
Boroondara Annual Report 2012-13 highlights
Last night, council adopted the 2012-13 annual report for Boroondara. The report is a summary of operational achievements and statutory information for the 2012-13 financial year and provides details on these achievements. A number of highlights from the report include: – Adoption of the Balwyn Access Plan and Parking Precinct Plan; – Completion of one…
2013 Maranoa Gardens Festival
This year’s Maranoa Gardens Festival will be held next Saturday 24th August. It is a fantastic opportunity to come along and see the nationally-recognised gardens on your own doorstep, featuring a unique collection of Australian plants. There will be a number of events and activities featuring in this year’s event, including talks and displays of…
Have your say – join the Boroondara Community Voice Panel
Want to have an impact on Council’s decision-making? Do you want to send your thoughts and comments to be considered? The Boroondara Community Voice Panel is an online group of people who live, work or play in Boroondara, give feedback to Council and get involved in the process of decision-making at Council. There are already…
Urban Planning Special Committee meeting 22nd April 2013
A meeting of the Urban Planning Special Committee will be held on Monday 22nd April 2013 at the Council Chamber in Camberwell. Order of business Apologies Adoption and confirmation of the minutes of the Urban Planning Special Committee meeting held on 8 April 2013 Declaration of conflict of interest of any councillor or council officer…