Category: Local government
Day 1 of Boroondara election vote counting
Today I was scrutineering down at the VEC counting centre in Camberwell, which was a very interesting experience. Getting to see democracy work up close is something that I would recommend everyone do should the opportunity arise. While I was mostly paying attention to the wards I was a scrutineer for (Cotham and Gardiner), I…
Clearing my council desk
When I was first elected in 2012, I anticipated keeping a clean desk with good administrative order. Four years later, this is what awaited me. While my term as councillor officially expires on Saturday morning, I decided to get a head start on the seemingly monolithic task of cleaning up last Friday. It took the…
After four years, my time on council is coming to an end
As many of you already know, I am not re-contesting my position as councillor for Maranoa Ward on Boroondara City Council at the upcoming election. It has been a difficult decision, but I have decided to take this course of action in the best interests of the community. I will not list my reasons exhaustively,…
Ballots are posted today: know thy candidates
From today until Thursday, ballot packs will be mailed out to eligible properties in Boroondara and the other councils in Victoria using postal elections. As per VEC regulations, no more than 35% of ballots can be posted on any one day. Packs are sent by priority mail, but with the recent Australia Post changes, there…
Boroondara candidate statements and photos released
Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. Yesterday the VEC released the candidate statements and photos for all candidates who have chosen to submit one or both of these options. All 33 candidates have submitted both photos and statements (except for one candidate in Gardiner Ward), and they are all…
Boroondara candidate questionnaire responses released
Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. As part of the changes to council elections for this year, candidates now have the option of answering a questionnaire that is published on the VEC website for voters to view. You can see the official list and PDF responses on the VEC…
Day 6: Council Elections 2016 – Nominations close, ballot order revealed
Welcome to Day 6 of the 2016 council elections! Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. Final list of nominations and ballot order With nominations closing at 12 noon today, here is the final list for every ward in the ballot order drawn today with all 33 candidates: As you…
Day 5: Council Elections 2016
Welcome to Day 5 (technically, counting the weekend) of the 2016 council elections! Please read the Day 1 post for an introduction and more information. Preferences One of the unexpected changes to the electoral regulations this year has been the removal of preference indications from the mailed ballot pack. At the end of August, the…
Council passes 2015-16 budget for Boroondara
Yesterday Council unanimously passed the 2015-16 Boroondara Budget. While we prepare for the impending rate capping in the next financial year, Council has been able to include a rate rise reduction to 4.5% while maintaining and improving services. Locally, Maranoa Ward continues to significantly benefit with many projects being approved for the area. These include:…